Photographic observatory of the Selune landscapes

Photographic observatory of the Selune landscapes

What landscapes of yesterday and tomorrow?

In partnership with the Syndicat Mixte du bassin de la Sélune, researchers from the Paris-Nanterre team ('territorial dynamics' theme) have set up a Photographic Landscape Observatory (OPP) for the Selune basin. This work began in 2013 as part of a previous research programme (ANR Reppaval).

The photographic landscape observatory monitors changes in the landscape of the Selune. It involves photographing a number of points throughout the area at regular intervals. Photographs are generally taken in the spring and autumn of each year.

All the photos are available online:

Photos from the photographic observatory of the Sélune landscapes - shots of the Yvrande (tributary) taken at the Biards bridge

Modification date: 20 August 2024 | Publication date: 31 July 2023 | By: Selune Team