
The Information System named SISelune

The SISelune information system: a direct access to scientific data from the program named Selune.

Main overview

The SISelune information system (IS) has 3 main goals:

  1. Make data from the scientific program available.
  2. Organize and maintain data and access to it (storage, consultation, downloading).
  3. Help to understand these data and the observations made by scientists on the Selune river.

It complies with the European Inspire Directive and the FAIR principles (more information here). It is based on a technical base of computer tools serving the different stages of the path followed by the data from acquisition to consultation and involving many verification operations, transformations and enrichments before storage and diffusion.

In particular, it includes:

  • a web map portal that displays the program's monitoring stations and sectors, and provides direct access to the data collected,
  • a metadata catalog describing all program data and allowing data to be downloaded in various formats (including shapefile or csv)


Access to data

There are two ways to access the data:

Do you know what you're looking for? or you want to know more about data?

logo geonetwork

Use the geocatalog to perform your search and access the metadata (what is the dataset? what's inside? how this dataset is built?), and then view or download the data.

For more information : 


Would you like an overview of the available data ? consult or download this or that dataset ? 

logo observatoire selune

You can use the geospatial web portal to visualize available data on a Selune watershed territory. This 1st overview will allow you to navigate among the different datasets (by displaying them, hiding them, consulting them) and thus build your own data map.

For more information :


Do you want to know more about Selune program or one of the research projects?

The website (on which you are currently browsing) will give you the keys to understand the program and the issues surrounding the ecological restoration of the Selune River.

A little more information about the information system?

Immerse yourself in the collection of articles below, which will help you learn more about the Selune information system, its main components and how to use it.

In this section

how to

Here you will find more information about the geocatalogue and its operation, as well as the various steps to follow to access, consult and download the available data.

Here you will find more information about the mapping portal and how it works, as well as the different steps to follow to view the available data.

how to

Here you will find information to visualize and exploit the data from the scientific program on QGIS, the free GIS software.

chemin de la data

The pathway of the data, from the field to user

Philosophie générale

What are the main principles governing the implementation of this information system?

The "engine" of the information system

how to

Here you'll find more information on metadata, or how to answer the questions what? how? by whom? where? and when? about a dataset.

View the web mapping portal "integrated" into the scientific program website : before and after dam dismantling.