how to
How to use our geocatalog?

How to use our geocatalog?

Here you will find more information about the geocatalogue and its operation, as well as the various steps to follow to access, consult and download the available data.

The geocatalog not only enables you to search and consult all the available datasets from the Selune scientific program, but also to obtain a wealth of information about these data. The geocatalog contains numerous "metadata sheets" (one for each dataset) specifying :

  • the type of data,
  • how, when, where and by whom was the dataset acquired?
  • its status (finalised, in the process of being finalised, deprecated),
  • the format of the dataset,
  • a description by keyword,
  • one or more scientific referents (to contact in case to know more),
  • information on the method or methods of construction of the dataset (protocols, methods, materials used, etc.)
  • links to download or view the dataset (direct links)

Nota : the geocatalog does not require an access account for a simple consultation. The geocatalog used for SISelune is the one deployed by the UMR GeoSAS. As such, it also includes many metadata sheets that are not from the SISelune program. 

Nota : The metadata sheets published in the geocatalog are currently only available in French. An English version is currently being studied.

Step 1 : Connect to the geocatalog

Access to the geocatalog is via the URL :

It is accessible under most web browsers, although Firefox, Chrome and Edge are recommended.

Once loaded, the main page presents a search tool: input field, choice of themes, type of resources, and the ability to see the latest news in terms of metadata sheet.

Step 2 : access the full catalog 

Access to the complete catalog is via the search bar: the "Search" field allows you to enter one or more keywords:

results from keyword search
results from keyword search © © INRAE (UMR DECOD)

Entering the keyword "Sélune" or "Selune" brings up all available metadata records for the Selune scientific program.
Entering the keyword, without clicking on "Search", brings up a drop-down list of all metadata records containing the keyword entered in the title.
The left-hand side of the screen displays a large number of filters for selecting metadata records. The rest of the screen shows all the records.

Step 3 : Use filters

Filters are used to narrow the list of results. Among the available filters, it is possible to restrict the search to:

  • some types of data,
  • dataset accessibility (downloadable or simply viewable data),
  • some themes (Environment, Agriculture, etc.),
  • some keywords from specific thesauri,
  • year of publication,
  • dataset status,
  • etc.

Step 4 : Consult a metadata sheet

To view the contents of a metadata sheet, simply click directly on the sheet.
This sheet presents various information:

  • the title and a summary of the dataset,
  • the pictogram,
  • the status of the dataset (finalized or not)
    a list of different links (download, visualization, links of other applications, etc.),
  • the spatial extent,
  • the dates of publication, acquisition and data entry,
  • many other specific information about the dataset
Detailed illustration of a metadata sheet
Detailed illustration of a metadata sheet © © INRAE (UMR DECOD) 2023

It is possible to change the display mode of the metadata sheet by clicking on the «display mode» button at the top right of the sheet.
The default view is sufficient to access metadata and download links.
The full view is more detailed and provides access to additional information about the data set.

Step 5 : Download a dataset

It is possible to download directly the data associated with the metadata sheet, using the download links available under the mention «Downloads and links» and are identifiable by the label «Download».
The data is available in various download formats (including "text" CSV when possible or "SIG" SHP or GEOTIFF).
From the metadata sheet associated with a dataset, it is therefore possible to directly download this data.
The links allowing the download are identifiable by the label and the button "Download"

download link
download link © © INRAE (UMR DECOD)

In the proposed example, the CSV file downloaded from the metadata sheet entitled "Frayères de lamproies marines - Observatoire Sélune" looks like this: 

consult data from dataset
consult data from dataset © © INRAE (UMR DECOD)

Step 6 : View a dataset

Viewing a dataset can be done in different ways.

By clicking on the «Visualiser» button

This button can be accessed directly in the metadata sheet. This is the most direct visualization. it is done in the visualization tool associated with the geocatalog. This tool is not the most appropriate but allows quick visualization.

Illustration of how to view data in the geocatalog viewer
Illustration of how to view data in the geocatalog viewer © © INRAE (UMR DECOD) 2023

Through the web map portal

It is also possible to turn to the web map portal but beware, all the datasets are not yet viewable.

Through data feed and GIS software

A final solution is to retrieve the feed associated with this dataset. This feed is visible on the metadata sheet and the WMS link.
This allows to retrieve the dataset in a GIS software to visualize it, apply a custom style, associate other geospatialized information.

This last solution requires specific skills in this type of software and is the subject of a specific article.

Modification date: 31 August 2023 | Publication date: 23 June 2023 | By: L'équipe Sélune