The program

The program

What is the Selune scientific program?
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logo observatoire selune © © INRAE (UMR DECOD)

Since 2012, scientists have been working on the multidisciplinary scientific program linked to the Selune dam removal project. They specialise in various domains such as geology, hydrology, geography, chemistry, biology, ecology or human and social sciences.

So far, scientists focused on understanding how the Selune valley functioned with the dams, and on anticipating the changes that may occur following dam removal. Research is currently focusing on understanding how the Selune valley functions without the dams.


By comparing these different phases, scientists will be able to characterise the effects of restoring the continuity of a river and its valley. They will thus be able to assess the strengths and limitations associated with the return of a river ecosystem. This is particularly important because many structures, such as those at Vezins and La-Roche-Qui-Boit, in France and elsewhere, are ageing. In addition, a better understanding of the effects of restoring the continuity of a river and its valley is essential given the current legislative context.


In this section


Why does the Selune scientific program exist? Find out more about the scientific and general context of this research program.

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Find out more about our objectives and how the scientific program works.

© Laura Soissons

What are the topics studied by this multidisciplinary program? Discover our different research themes and scientific questions.

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Who is monitoring the restoration of the Selune valley? Let's meet the scientists involved in the Selune program.

© Morgan Druet

Here a few ways to find out more about the Selune valley, the work of our national and international partners, etc.

Modification date: 07 August 2023 | Publication date: 26 June 2023 | By: Team Selune