how to
How to use the data via a GIS software?

How to use the data via a GIS software?

Here you will find information to visualize and exploit the data from the scientific program on QGIS, the free GIS software.

Many GIS (Geographic Information System) software are available on the market. They make it possible to use geographic data either in files or in data streams in order to build spatial analyses or more simply to visualize this data. This article deals with the use of data from the scientific program through the QGIS software. QGIS software is available for free, making it the most commonly used software in GIS.

Nota: the use of data from the scientific program in R or python scripts is not covered in this article but remains quite similar (it is possible to report these connection parameters to the SISelune data stream directly in these scripts).

Before starting, it is necessary to ensure to have:

  • A recent version of the QGIS application installed and available,
  • A minimum of rights on this software to be authorized to add new data sources (in this case, those of SISélune),
  • An internet connection to connect to the SISélune data stream.

Step 1 : run QGIS and access to datasource parameters

The QGIS software makes it possible to load and therefore display local geographical data (that is to say data files available on the same PC) but also remote, via the flows made available since SiSélune).

Once you have opened the main QGIS page, you will see the explorer that provides access to these different resources.

QGIS main page
QGIS main page © © INRAE (UMR DECOD)

The parameters to be set up at the QGIS level to access the SISelune data are to be positioned at the inputs :  and

  • WMS/WMTS in case of raster and tiled raster data.
  • WFS/OGC API – Features in case of  vector data.

Step 2 : configure WMS/WMTS input

To add a new entry, just right click on WMS/WMTS to access the «New connection» action.

Description of how to add SISelune data to QGIS from the SI
Description of how to add SISelune data to QGIS from the SI © © INRAE (UMR DECOD) 2023


Step 3 : configure WFS/OGC API – Features input

To add a new entry, just right click on WFS/OGC API – Features to access the «New connection» action.

Nota: the list will show almost the same datasets (only strictly raster data will not be accessible via the WFS type feed). However, for vector data (point or polygon), the WFS flow has the advantage of allowing access to attribute data.

Step 4 : use data

 It then remains only to

  • create a QGIS project with the necessary SISelune data, contextual data (SISélune or not) complementary,
  • check the reference coordinate system of the new project (ideally RGF93/ Lambert 93/ EPSG:2154)
  • and add a base map to visualize the data, use it in geospatial analyses or build a map for publication.

NB: the reuse of SISelune data will always require mentioning the source of this data (cf. metadata sheet of the exploited data).

Modification date: 10 January 2024 | Publication date: 30 June 2023 | By: Team Selune