The components of the IS technical base

The components of the IS technical base

The "engine" of the information system

The components of the technical base

socle technique du SI © socle technique du SI

The SISelune Information System consists of a set of computer tools (software, website, storage space, ...) called the technical base.

These various computer tools are therefore intended to respond to the different concepts defined in the IS philosophy

  • centralize, store, find, view and/or download data
  • Find, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

The implementation of the technical base as it currently exists was retained from the beginning of work on this information system in 2018. It is built on a recognized base: Database + cloud + processing scripts + map server + metadata geocatalog + map portal + website.


The Database + Map Server + Metadata Geocatalog section is based on one of the "bestsellers" in this area, used for the UMR SAS geographical data infrastructure, GeoBretagne, and more recently the future geographic data infrastructure of INRAE: GeOrchestra.


The database

The SISelune database is the heart of the IS. All data (or almost) disseminated in the IS is stored there. The selected system is the PostGreSQL DBMS, which is particularly well suited for storing and distributing spatial data.

Thus this database fulfills the role of sustainable storage (this database is regularly backed up) and centralization of the data of the Sélune program (also backed up by each team of scientists in a format more conducive to their research). It serves as support for the map server whose purpose is the provision of this data.

This database is fed through data import scripts.

File storage

In the very specific case of the landscape photography observatory, the photos thus taken at different points in the study area and very regularly, are stored within a "cloud" file system specific to INRAE, to be then proposed via the cartographic portal.

The scripts of data import

The scientific data collected on the program and during research projects are not imported as they are in the IS database.  Eventually, scientists should be autonomous in importing their data into the database. However, this is not yet the case. Several solutions are being considered:

  • manual data (data collected in the field by the scientists themselves): manually recorded during recovery campaigns or in very regular ways require R or python scripts (notebook) for retrieval within the database
  • Automatic measurement data: taken regularly, they are currently reported manually. Tests are carried out to consider an automatic lift.

the map server

The selected map server is GeoServer. It allows the dissemination of various data (database, text file, or map, ...) as a stream (via the internet). These flows are standardized (i.e. they follow strict standards allowing easier use) and present the data (we speak then of datasets) in the form of text files (CSV), cartographic (shapefile) or WMS, WFS flows.

The "file" format download allows to obtain the dataset as it is at the time of clicking on the link. It is very easy to use. However, the WMS or WFS stream allows you to get the dataset updated with each use. It is therefore more complex to use but is ideal for use that requires regularly updated data.

The metadata geocatalog

It is the 3rd member of the trio of "reference" GeOrchestra in terms of spatial data dissemination (PostGresQL + GeoServer + Geonetwork) whose role is to present metadata sheets within a catalog, each presenting a clear and precise set of IS data. The data catalog is at the heart of SISelune.  It allows to find data from textual and/or geographical criteria. Each dataset of the Sélune observatory is described in the form of a metadata sheet specifying: What is this data? but also, how, when, where and by whom this data was acquired?

Each sheet also specifies a status to the dataset (finalized, in progress, deprecated, ...), the format of the data, a description by keywords, one or more contact points... Genealogical information gives more detail on the building methods of the datasets (protocols, methods, materials used, ...). It also offers links (URL) to download or view the dataset (direct links of the geoserver)

The map portal

SISzlune has a cartographic portal, which allows to easily display the data of the Selune Observatory published in the catalog. All IS data is not represented, however, other layers are available to facilitate the contextualization of this data.  SISélune’s visualization portal is based on the open source software MVIEWER made available by the Brittany Region, under the name of Kartenn ("map" in Breton language).  The source code of this application has been freely reusable since 2014. It allows:

  • the visualization of different datasets, both related to the Sélune program and from other data producers (including contextual data),
  • interoperability through standards and API (OGC, geoserver, database, geonetwork),
  • adaptability to the context by allowing the deployment of specific cartographic visualization interfaces (general as SISélune or specific),
  • different visualization mode of map data, key figures, datavisualisation or editorial data, ...

SISelune’s visualization portal is relatively intuitive. A series of articles available soon via the program’s website will be made available to facilitate its use.


The site you are currently visiting. It aims to present the Selune program, its context, its actors, the different research projects, therefore the different subjects of study, and the associated information system. It is an integral tool of the SISélune information system for all the information it presents. It is the main entry point for those who want to know more about the Selune program to restore the ecological continuity of the Selune River.

See also



Modification date: 31 August 2023 | Publication date: 24 July 2023 | By: Team Selune