Philosophie générale
The general philosophy of the information system

The general philosophy of the information system

What are the main principles governing the implementation of this information system?

Comply with Inspire

The European Inspire directive, published in 2007, sets out a number of recommendations for the implementation of Geographic Data Infrastructures (GDI). As such, the SISelune information system must comply with these recommendations.

An information system user must be able to:

  1. find the data sets they are looking for using metadata;
  2. assess whether the data set associated with the metadata meets its expectations through a consultation service;
  3. if necessary, download the data set via a download service.

Hence, the data made available in SISelune are European Inspire directive compliant.

The FAIR concept

Since 2017, the European Commission has been encouraging scientists to make their research data FAIR, i.e.:

  • Fiindable: metadata must be rich, published on the Internet with a unique identifier
  • Accessible: free download; the metadata must remain even if the data is no longer available (deprecated)
  • Interoperable: metadata must use a formal language (standard), a controlled vocabulary (thesaurus) and qualified references to other metadata
  • Reusable: metadata is richly described, with detailed information on the source of the data. Data is associated with a clear data license and published on interoperable servers.

In conclusion, SISelune is in line with the European Union's Open-data policy: "As open as possible, as closed as necessary".

These data are public; they will be made available through the information system, unless their distribution presents risks (privacy, etc.).

The main objectives arising from it

1. Make available data from the Selune Observatory and research projects

Monitoring data from the Sélune Observatory are required for several research projects within the Sélune program, and are also publicly available.

Moreover, the data generated by these research projects (also publicly funded) are also needed for other purposes (territorial policies, academic works, etc.).

The information system must therefore make all this data accessible to all. It is up to the SISelune project team to assess the conditions under which this data should be made available.

2. Centralize and perpetuate data from the Sélune Observatory and research projects

The Selune Observatory carries out environmental monitoring over a period of 15 years (2012 – 2027).  In addition, several research projects have for context the erasure of the Sélune dam (before, during or after).

The sustainability of these data through their storage is a major challenge. In addition, several laboratories, through the Observatory, contribute to the collection of data, which adds a centralization challenge.

3. Help to understand data from the Selune Observatory and research projects

More than simply making data available, the SISelune should help to understand these data, in order to facilitate collaboration between scientists, as well as the understanding of the changes implied by the restoration of the Sélune by everyone (general public, schoolchildren, elected representatives, etc.).

Modification date: 31 August 2023 | Publication date: 23 June 2023 | By: Team Selune