Welcome to the Selune scientific program website

Your access to all information from our scientific monitoring to help you understand the restoration of the Sélune valley

The Selune scientific program began in 2012 and will continue until 2027. Its aim is to monitor the restoration of the Selune and its valley following the removal of two hydroelectric dams on its main course: the Vezins and La-Roche-Qui-Boit dams.

Browse this site to find out more about the scientific monitoring carried out in the Selune valley. Enjoy your visit!

The operation to remove the dams on the Selune is unique in Europe because of the height of the two dams (36m and 16m) and their impact on the watercourse.

The aim of the Selune scientific program is to:

  • Analyse the mechanisms involved in restoring the river in this area in transition.
  • Identify the ecological and social strengths and limitations associated with the return of a river ecosystem.
  • Provide feedback so that this pilot site can become a scientific benchmark in the field.

What can I find on this website?

On this website you will find a wealth of information about the scientific program: its objectives, how it works, its research projects and observatory, the scientific team, publications and explanations of the results of monitoring.

The website is also a gateway to SISelune, the scientific programme's information system. SISélune allows you to consult, view and download data from research projects and the observatory.

Don't hesitate to subscribe to our news service to follow the progress of the scientific programme and receive our latest news directly in your e-mail inbox.

The Selune scientific program coordination unit