zoom on biofilm data
Focus on IS - integration of biofilm data

Focus on IS - integration of biofilm data

Focus on the IS - Banking, dissemination and display of data and metadata: The IBD index, biofilms, diatoms and chlorophyll-a

What data are we talking about?

This article deals specifically with the integration into the SI Sélune information system of data associated with photosynthetic biofilms , the presence and specific richness of which provide information on the stability of ecosystems.

As part of the Sélune Observatory, the stations are sampled every month from April to October (7 annual surveys) using artificial substrates (glass slides placed in the water). In addition to the diatom survey (floristic list, IBD calculation), daily chlorophyll a and pheopigment concentrations are measured.

The data made available in SISélune complies with INSPIRE and is based on the F.A.I.R. Data principles.

The related metadata

The paragraph below provides access to the metadata sheets written specifically for the IBD index data, the associated lists of flora and the chlorophyll-a and pheopigment concentrations for the Sélune observatory. These sheets describe the data proposed, the methods of acquisition, their temporality and spatial distribution.

4 metadata sheets describe this data:

pictogram representing a biofilm
icone biocénose stations et mib

View / Download data

1. Via metadata

Each metadata sheet provides download links to data in CSV, JSON and shapefile (SHP) formats.

2. Via the web mapping portal

The mapping portal, accessible via the url: https://geosas.fr/selune/#, presents these datasets in the "Sélune Observatory" theme and the "Bioindicators" sub-theme.

The"Biofilms: Biological indices (IBD EQR) and floristic lists" layer displays the standardised index using a colour code corresponding to a quality class (poor, mediocre, average, good and very good), by default, for the most recent campaigns carried out.

This campaign can be changed by clicking on the"V" icon under the layer legend. This brings up a drop-down listcalled "Campaign choice".

Once this layer is displayed, it is possible to consult the information specific to each station for the selected campaign, in particular :

  • the IBD index value for the selected station and campaign,
  • changes in the IBD index, on two graphs (the 1st only for the station selected over the whole of the acquisition period and the 2nd for all the stations over the whole of the acquisition period),
  • changes in average daily chlorophyll-a concentrations (Bentotorch vs. spectrometry), on a graph showing the 5 stations over the last campaign.

The details of a station also allow you to :

  • access a page on the website providing context for this scientific monitoring of the observatory,
  • Direct access to the metadata sheets associated with these datasets,
  • download data in CSV and JSON format (shapefile format only via the metadata sheets).

3. via the map server

The access urls for the Sélune IS data layers are as follows:

Layers used to retrieve IBD data :

  • Photosynthetic biofilm study areas - Sélune Observatory: v_bioc_biofilm_sctr_biofilm_session
  • Biological indices based on diatoms - Sélune Observatory: v_bioc_biofilm_eval_biofilm
  • Floristic lists of biological indices based on diatoms - Sélune Observatory: v_bioc_biofilm_ind_biofilm
  • Chlorophyll-a measurements by spectrography and bentotorch based on photosynthetic biofilms - Sélune Observatory: v_bioc_biofilm_chloro_bt_spectro_biofilm